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Tuesday, 1 October 2013

How to Gain S-OFF For you HTC ONE

Yes,I know what you are thinking off.What is S-OFF? and why is it needed.The answer to your question is so simple that i was in your subconscious mind but you couldn't get it out.Here is the answer.

S-Off is a kind of security for the HTC devices so that you don't mess with the Hardware config.Even if your device is rooted and the bootloader is unlocked you wont be able to Sim -unlock your device if you have S-On enabled on your device.Which refers to the security flag which is on your device.
If you want to Sim unlock you device which is normally a paid service and install custom Hboot versions and also downgrade your device you need to S-Off your device ,which refers to the security flag being removed .

Pre requirements:-

  1. Backup all you data.
  2. Enable USB debugging on your device from developer options in the settings menu.
  3. You device should be at least 80% charged.

Disclaimer: - I am a poor person :P and I won’t be held responsible for any damage to your phone. There is no guaranty that your device won’t brick. This is just a guide. So if you have a Heart of a Lion and a mind of a pirate than you can proceed with this guide.


  1. Download Revone in your computer 
  2. Now connect your device to the computer 
  3. Now push the same to your devce by the following command.
  4. adb push revone /data/local/tmp/
  5. Now open ADB shell and enter the nelow command.
  6. cd /data/local/tmp
  7. chmod 755 revone
  8. Just in case if you device is unlocked and rooted you need to switch to root using the su command. Prepare to gain the S-Off by entering the command as
  9. ./revone –P
  10. Just in case if revone reports success, then reboot the device to the next step. If revone reboots the device (we’ll pretend this isn’t an undiagnosed random crash) please wait 2 minutes then try again from step 2 of “cd /data/local/tmp”. If revone reports that you need to reboot and try again please reboot and try again from step 2. Once the device is successfully prepared for S-Off, open other ADB Shell and change to /data/local/tmp directory. Now, all you need to do is to instruct to Revone about the unlock Status by running the status of
  11. ./revone -s 0 –u

In the meanwhile, you can also make use of the  below mentioned commands for your use;
* -u – Unlock the device
* -l – Lock the device (as if it was never unlocked)
* -r – Relock the device (mark the device as relocked)
* -t – Reset the device’s tamper flag.
Assuming that Revone has been successful, you need to enter the command as “adb reboot bootloader”. Now, re run the Revone to remove the TAMPERED from your HBoot Screen by entering the command;
./revone –t

Tip: Just in case if the device refuses to turn ON, you will need to long press the power button and then re apply the firmware update again.

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